Below I've indicated the way that the liquid in the glass would work. The plane of the top of the drink tips up towards the back rim as the glass is tilted back. Notice also that the lower jaw is inside the back rim of the glass. I like the cool light on the nose and the reflected light in the eyes. I've added a highlight to the nose and eyes. Lisa, will you be adding whiskers?

1. Lisa and I had discussed having a warm side and a cool side of the raccoons head. The warm side may have gotten a little pink. I might use a subtle raw sienna-ish white. The color doesn't have to be dramatic. The value might be a little lighter in a few places on the warm side.
2. This indicates the plane of the liquid in the glass.
3. This shows the tilt of the glass.
Notice also that I've indicated a highlight on the rim of the glass and a slightly less intense one running down the glass on the dominant light side.
A super fun, charming painting.

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