Here is Marilyn's previous version of her painting of flowers on a table.
Here's her latest version. As with many of Marilyn's paintings, I appreciate her unique vision and how she comes up with solutions that I might never think of. I really like the patterns on the wall behind the table. I also like the darker candles.
Some painters make their painting moves with their head, some with their heart and some with their gut. Most make decisions using varying combinations of these inclinations. We add experience and our tastes to create our style and working methods. Marilyn is an intuitive painter and it's been working for her for decades. Here's an example of why; a unique solution to to a somewhat static composition that continues to to get more interesting and that tells a bit of a story that leaves gaps for the viewer to fill in.
Here are a few notes, there are only a few:
1. a nice framing of the flowers to make them feel more prominent.
2. I might consider darkening this side of the table to pull it forward from the background.
3. I still feel that the legs and undersides of the table could be darker.
4. I might give the bowl of apples a bit more interest by making the color a little darker and intense.
I'm looking forward to seeing the final version of this piece and Marilyn does next.
I agree with Michael. Marilyn, your art has such a strong voice,; it is always a reflection of you. Another scene comes to life. Leah