Here are a handful finished or nearly finished paintings that Ya'll have been working on. I'm proud of the results you're all achieving.
This is Leah's final painting of the banks of the Seine. This piece has come a long way. I really like the light and the effect of the perspective of the rocks and trees as they get further from the viewer.
This is Barbara's floral painting. She has created a unique piece based on flora in her garden. It is very difficult to create a painting from separate parts or the essence of different pieces to create a cohesive whole. I think that this is really well done. I might add a few of the small red flowers into the space into the middle background. I am pulled to the center of the painting near the large horizontal leaf and the central cluster of flowers. A handful of red flowers behind and to the left of these will integrate the piece.
Here Heidi has reworked her painting of a patio in Mexico. I like the integration of the bold colors of the flags into the area below. The perspective is much stronger. The overall color is very pleasing. The only thing I might consider changing is the scale of the table and chairs. They would be larger.
I really like the middle area to the right of the fountain. The fountain itself is looking pretty good. The feeling is very inviting.

Here is Marilyn's finished painting of flowers and apples on a table. I really like the way that there are several interesting elements but they all support the red flowers in the upper right third of the painting. The shape of the background almost forms a spotlight for the vase full of flowers. Notice the way the yellow glasses lead to the flowers. The colors harmonize quite well in this painting.
Here is the acrylic version of Lonna's friend's barn. It's very successful. Her work has really paid off.
This pastel version of the barn could only use a little straightening of the horizontal lines. I love the color of the barn and the variety of the greens in the foliage as well as the controlled but expressive marks. Great job.
Here is the final version of Lonna's pastel inspired by Susan's painting. The trees are greatly improved here and nicely support the barn. The flattening of the ground in front of the barn helps the viewer feel comfortable. Also, when we're painting subjects like this, we need to think about the practical stuff like the way a flat ground in front of the barn is necessary to go in and out of and load a barn.
Nicely done.
WOW!!!! I am so impressed by everyone's work! This should be a gallery! Michael, thanks so much for helping all of us along the way. Your critiques are always spot on and lead us to success. Multi grazi!
Lovely work everyone. I swear...if Lonna's barn could talk! xo