I have only a few suggestions for Barbara to consider as this piece is nearly there. Her flowers and lemons are looking great.
1. I might break up the invisible line constraining the leaves on the left side by altering the size of a few of the leaves.
2. On the vase I'm sure that Barbara simply hasn't finished it yet but I'm just suggesting to make sure to give it some volume. I might also consider changing the color to the dark blue of her original set up as I think that the reddish purple color may be stealing a little juice from the red flowers.
3. Though reflections mirror the colors of the objects being reflected, shadows are generally a silhouette of the shape of the object casting the shadow onto another surface or object. So, the color is a darker version of the color of the surface the shadow is cast upon, in this case the table cloth. It's often a warmer or cooler version of the color of the darker surface color depending on the light and atmospheric conditions of the environment. Please don't use my hasty shadow shape as a template. It's just an indication.
4. The iris may have a little more impact if it were darker again.
5. I might consider altering the tablecloth color a bit so it isn't so close to the color of the leaves.
I really like this painting Barbara!