I did just a few Photoshop suggestions below:

1. I might consider taking a larger piece of the foreground for the road (or driveway or plowed field). It's a shape that can make the piece a little more dynamic with a sharper angle that leads us into the painting. I might also make it a warmer color to differentiate it from the silo and roof color.
3. The direction of the clouds can be a nice counter angle to that of the driveway. Both shapes kind of lead us to the silo and...
2. the shadow shape being cast by the barn which curves back to the barn and the surrounding trees behind it.
4. I like the variations in the warm and cool trees. This could be taken a little further and it would be nice to see a light and dark side of the trees indicated. The light and dark sides of the barn give us the general direction of the light and it would be seen in the trees. It's also what indicates that the barn is casting a shadow on the silo and lighting it's left side.

With a few simple changes, I think that Susan can enliven the composition and with a little more of her magic brush/knife work, make this a sweet little piece.
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