First looking at the photo I'll point out a few things and then bounce back to the marked up painting. In order of value from lightest to darkest is 1. The sky, then 2. the open field, then 3. the tree line and finally, 4. the silhouetted tree. Notice that the color of the grasses in the field are not nearly as intense as the field would be in light. There is a little variation in value within the field and the treeline but within the value range of each. The sky color is not as intense as Leah's beautiful shot.
So, the numbers I've put in the painting above just reiterate the points about value I've made below. The only additional thing I might consider would be to make the marks in the field smaller as it recedes. Maybe consider a horizontal mark or two in the field closer to the treeline. The silhouetted tree should be the darkest thing in the painting. It doesn't need to be black but just darker than the other areas. I think that this painting will really sing when Leah pushes and pulls a little more with her value to fully compliment the stunning sky she's painted.
Leah here. Thank you Michael, you have given me focus and plenty more to work on.