Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hiedi's vegetables

I think this new painting by Heidi is my favorite of hers so far. The rhythm and the marks and the subtle differentiation of color are all really interesting. I like the beautiful chromatic greys of the background as well. I would just like to see more.

Here is Heidi's photo inspiration. As she has been so far, Heidi can select be selective when choosing a few more things to include in her picture.

A short list  of things to consider when going forward:

1. Raise the bottom of the bottle a little.
2. I'm not sure what the warm little spots of light are on the table but I like them and think that they're a great device for enhancing the rhythm and leading our eye through the painting. Additionally they add warm colors to a predominately cool painting.
3. This is just a note to maybe add more stuff.
4. Look closely at the reflections, highlights and transparencies of the wine and the bottle. There could be a few more dark areas seen through the bottle. This is a place where adding a few things in the area beyond the bottle would be helpful because you could distort and color them to sell the effect.
5. Push the darks in the negative spaces in the bowl and between the artichokes. Also the color of the copper bowl is nice in the photo and Heidi might consider using it here.
6. These figs are really nicely done but again, I'd consider adding a bit more between them. There could be  a little more overlapping here.

Such a great start. So many elements are beautifully done. I'm looking forward to seeing this after another session or two.

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