Here are a few suggestions to consider on the next one. First, A+ on the paint quality.
1. Though the grapes are painted so nicely it feels as if the scale of them may be large relative to the other fruit.
2. In the original painting there is a yellow glow in the background around the lemons. A quick pass over that area after the paint is dry will allow Georgia to quickly overcome that is she'd like.
3. Notice in the photo how the underside of the bowl is darker. I think that this allows the fruit to pop more as the large shape under there doesn't compete with the fruit in value.
4. Look for the curve in the circle at the base of the vase. This light area might be knocked back just a little so it's a secondary light area and doesn't compete with the fruit.
5. It may be just personal preference but I prefer the warmer and darker table top. In Georgia's original the lightish yellow color competes just a little with the lemons.
6. Here I just note that the table is flatter, we don't see as much of it as in the set up. It's artist prerogative and not anything that is wrong. Just to be aware so one can make a conscious choice about little things like this.
I love the broken blues in the background with a subtle indication of the light direction. Really beautiful.
Another good one Georgia.
Those grapes are amazing!