Saturday, March 28, 2020

Bev's River Seine acrylic painting

 Here is Bev's plein air painting of the river Seine. Bev is a friend of Lonna's from Mendocino County.

There is no photo to compare her painting too. Bev has sent some examples of her other work. I've included an example of a vineyard landscape she's painted below. Judging by the painting below it feels as if the river is just a start. The vineyard has nice color and a broader value range. Though this a good start, bringing the vineyards colors to the trees lining the river would add a lot of depth.

 I've included a painting of the Seine by Monet for kicks. Also to note the reflections on the river and the perspective of the plane of the river.

I found a few photos of the Seine near Giverny. Both of these are viewed from a relatively high vantage point above the river. Note the eye line that the ground and river planes come up to meet. There are multiple vanishing points. The vertical line indicates the approximate place left to right the viewer is looking from.

Note that though the photo is taken from a spot relatively high above the river, the river plane remains below the eye line (and in both cases) flows out of frame.
 Here the eye line feels like it is far above the river and surrounding fields. If this wasn't the case, then the plane is tilting up. However, working with what you've started, I'd suggest making the foliage on both sides of the river darker with richer color. I've indicated in Photoshop a potential shadow side and light side though the color is cursory. I know Bev will make it more interesting. Notice the reflection and the fields indicated above the tree line. In Bev's start there is nothing behind the trees. The fields behind the trees in the first photo provide a good reference.

Also note that as the tree line goes away form the viewer, The size of the trees diminishes. 

I'm not sure what the white along the right shore indicates in the painting.

I think that Bev can finish painting taking a few of these points into consideration.

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