Here is Lonna's pastel painting after making a few changes. Great job.
Here is a nice pastel by Lonna. As usual this piece has a great energy with interesting marks. I like the colors a lot. I think that the drawing of both the pears and the bowl are really good. I get a sense of volume in all if the objects.
I did a few quick photoshop changes of things I might consider if you want to do a little more with the piece.
1. I extended the bowl a little leftward. I feel that issues I might have with the piece are similar, in that there are near tangentcies in a few places. I think that the painting feels just a little more comfortable when there is a little more space around or behind areas where objects intersect. So in addition to extending the bowl a little I lowered the yellow table line a tad as well (3.)
2. I tilted the pear on the left a bit just to try a slightly different rhythm. It's kind of a personal preference thing maybe as yours work well already.
3. See above.
4. There is maybe just a bit of confusion for me on the direction of the light. I'm sure that there were probably multiple light sources. It doesn't often matter as much in looser paintings. However if you did want to strengthen the impression I might think of the following things. It feels like the lprimary light is coming from the left as indicated by the shadow in the forward pear as well a the shadow on the inside of the bowl. The things that might undermine that to an extent are the strong reflected light on the right side of the forward pear and the highlight on the hear behind it. I might consider knocking the value of the reflected light down and moving the highlight to the left side of the second pear above wher the cast shadow is indicated. I might also darken the right side of the second pear a little. If you ere to lighten the left side of the outside of the bowl to the left of the second pear it would help define the direction You could also put a highlight on the rim of the bowl there.
If you want more clarification on the light I could do a quick indication in photoshop and repost. Let me know.
If you do incorporate any of these suggestions please keep the energy the piece has now. It's fantastic.
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