Saturday, March 21, 2020

Heidi's Mexican street scene.

 Here is Heidi's gouache painting of a street send in Mexico. I think that the drawing is successful. I like how our eye follows the line of the steps down to the street and then directs us using perspective and light to the town and mountains (or the sea) in the distance.
 Her reference photo.
If I were to have painted this scene I might have emphasized the value relationships more strongly. In Photoshop I used Heidi's drawing and added some digital "glazes"to darken areas of the painting. By pushing the shadows, the light on the left side of the building above the steps pops more and strengthens the movement. This light and that in the bg are what I like most in the photo. I tried to make the shape a little larger and more dynamic than in the pic. I also like the color of the darker blue and think that it helps the value set up. The only drawing changes I made were slight; dropping the bg shapes a little, adding some weight to the roof and adding some volume to the plants on the wall. I also added more chroma to the sky to separate it from the cool grey shadow sides of the main building.

Heidi created a really interesting composition here. These suggestions are simply ways she might reinforce the strong compositional idea.

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