Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Juan Gris Spanish Cubist

 Juan Gris was born in Madric in 1887 and passed in Billancourt France in 1927. He was friends with Braque and Picasso and was one of the early cubists. I like his work better than that of the other two more famous artists of his style because of his color.

I'd like to hear what you all think.


  1. I love his work and it's amazing to see the similarities with Braque and Picasso, even down to the subject matter and still lifes. I really like his palette. Thanks you!

  2. How come when I sign in as Leah my comments aren't posted as Leah's?

    1. You have to name yourself Leah... Go back through the settings.

  3. I like Gris. Feels like what you'd get if Bracque/Picasso and Matisse had a baby.
    I know... they all influenced each other. ;)
