Here is Lisa's photo inspiration.
1. I might look for these things when finishing the piece. I'd look at the angle of the placement of the pear on the left to the forward pear.
2. Thhis line indicates the level center of the ellipse on the table.
3. I like how second, green pear, intersects with the pear in front of it near the base of the pears in the photo.
4. Nice curtains.
5. This indicates that there are two light sources. This is confirmed by two highlights on the forward pear.
Here are a few notes on Lisas's work in progress. As always take these notes as something to consider not as a definitive directive. Use the artists license you've earned with your experience:
1. I might lighten up the right side of the forward pear. I'd look to punch up the highlight as well.
2. I would also lighten and cool the right side of the second pear. The left side of this pear could be a bit lighter as well beyond the core shadow.
3. The third pear looks like it's a little further behind the second pear.
4. A reiteration of the placement of the pears mentioned in #3 above.
5. The angle of the relationship of the left to the forward pear on the right.
6. Obviously darker and cooler than the underpainting color. I know Lisa will nail this.
7. Good shadow and reflection blocked in. It'll be a nice feature of this Painting.
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished painting.
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